Shlomi Shabat Tickets
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Shlomi Shabat Tickets

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Shlomi Shabat Tickets and Information

Currently, we do not have any tickets available for Shlomi Shabat. However, we expect them to announce a tour soon, and Event Tickets Center will be your place to buy tickets. In the meantime, listen to some of their most popular music via the playlist below and read up on some of their background and biggest achievements. You can also browse similar artists such as Avraham Tal, Sarit Hadad, Rotem Cohen, and Dudu Aharon and check back soon to buy Shlomi Shabat tickets!

About Shlomi Shabat

Shlomi Shabat is an artist from Jerusalem that has reached mid-level status across the Pop and Rock categories. Shlomi Shabat has released 16 live and studio albums and 46 singles on Spotify that string all the way back to Jan 1, 1989 with their debut album titled בגלל הרוח. Their most recent album release was יבוא הסוף הטוב on Feb 16, 2020.

Shlomi Shabat's Popularity

Shlomi Shabat's growth has led to an overall artist ranking of 41,445 on Spotify in the United States. This is largely fueled by 206,182 listeners and 187,759 followers on Spotify, but they also reach an additional 721,211 listeners on Spotify through playlists. Additionally, Shlomi Shabat has a robust following on social media with 71,241 followers on Instagram. They average 1,537,927 videos on YouTube and their top video on TikTok has 20,581,903 views on the social media platform. There are also 11,887 posts on Tik Tok with Shlomi Shabat's tracks featured on them.

Shlomi Shabat as an Artist

You likely recognize Shlomi Shabat by their top tracks which include "לכה דודי", "מורידים את הירח", and "בראשית עולם". You might also listen to Shlomi Shabat due to their earliest albums such as בגלל הרוח, אל תלכי רחוק מדי, and מן החושך חזרתי, but you may have heard of them from similar artists such as Moshe Peretz, Avraham Tal, and Sarit Hadad.

Shlomi Shabat's Appearances On Music Charts

Shlomi Shabat has not appeared on the Spotify Top Weekly Chart or the Apple Album Chart any time in the last year, but that's not to say they won't be making an appearance on either (or both) charts soon!

Shlomi Shabat's Music Library

Shlomi Shabat has released a total of 16 albums on Spotify and is the main or feature artist on 375 tracks. Their full discography can be found in the charts below, as well as their top 10 songs. However, some of Shlomi Shabat's top albums include בגלל הרוח, אל תלכי רחוק מדי, and מן החושך חזרתי. Their most recent album, יבוא הסוף הטוב was released on Feb 16, 2020. To supplement their albums, Shlomi Shabat has released 46 singles on Spotify. Their top singles are התקוה חוזרת ללב, אבא, and בליבי, with their most recent single, בדמייך חיי, being released on Nov 5, 2023.

Shlomi Shabat Discography

AlbumRelease DateAlbum Type
בגלל הרוחJan 1, 1989Album
אל תלכי רחוק מדיJan 1, 1991Album
התקוה חוזרת ללבJan 1, 1999Single
מן החושך חזרתיJan 1, 2000Album
חבריםJan 1, 2001Album
להיטי זהבDec 8, 2001Album
זמן אהבהJan 1, 2003Album
המשולש - קיסריה (Live)Jan 1, 2005Album
האוסףJan 1, 2005Album
אבאJan 1, 2007Single
בליביJan 1, 2008Single
ההופעה (Live)Jan 1, 2009Album
שתדעיJan 1, 2010Album
אמונהJan 1, 2010Single
כיוון אחרJan 1, 2011Single
אחד לנשמה / אחד למסיבהJan 1, 2012Album
אחד לנשמה / אחד למסיבה - הופעה חיה בקיסריה (Live)Jan 1, 2013Album
האחת מבין כולןJan 1, 2013Single
רפסודהJan 1, 2014Single
רומיJan 1, 2014Single
קולותJan 1, 2014Single
לא מגלהJan 1, 2014Single
Ani Shar ElaichMar 1, 2014Album
הלבJan 1, 2015Album
ביחד על הבמה - הופעה חיה בקיסריה (Live)Jan 1, 2015Album
הזמן המאושרJan 1, 2015Single
שורפת רחבותJan 1, 2016Single
נכנסת לי ללבJan 1, 2016Single
הלכנו בעקבות הלבApr 7, 2016Single
בואי נתחיל לדברApr 18, 2016Single
רוצה לחיותAug 1, 2018Single
מאוהב מידיAug 1, 2018Single
הסוף הטובAug 1, 2018Single
אצלי הלילהAug 1, 2018Single
אתה חסר ליJan 14, 2019Single
שלום עולמיםFeb 27, 2019Single
אל נבקשMay 5, 2019Single
ובלילהJul 16, 2019Single
איתך (מתוך "אם הייתי שר לך- שרים יגאל בשן")Aug 18, 2019Single
יבוא הסוף הטובFeb 16, 2020Album
מורידים את הירחMar 15, 2020Single
ירושליםMay 20, 2020Single
מורידים את הירח (אקוסטי)Aug 13, 2020Single
מה אתה עוברSep 7, 2020Single
בוא הביתהOct 18, 2020Single
למה את הולכתDec 27, 2020Single
הושיעה (מתוך פרוייקט צמאה)Mar 16, 2021Single
שוב אני ואתJul 19, 2021Single
ואני שר – Voy a cantarAug 15, 2021Single
כשאליך אקראSep 2, 2021Single
היינו ילדיםSep 23, 2021Single
ברחוב הנשמות הטהורותOct 21, 2021Single
גם אם טעיתיNov 21, 2021Single
היין שנשארJan 18, 2022Single
כמה את יפה לי היוםJul 24, 2022Single
שיר הרפואהSep 18, 2022Single
רגעיםDec 4, 2022Single
קרוביםJan 12, 2023Single
אהבה כזו (Live)Feb 14, 2023Single
כמו הרוחותAug 30, 2023Single
חלום ישןAug 30, 2023Single
בדמייך חייNov 5, 2023Single

Shlomi Shabat Top Tracks

TrackAlbumRelease Date
"אין עוד מלבדו"אחד לנשמה / אחד למסיבהJan 1, 2012
"בגלל הרוח"בגלל הרוחJan 1, 1989
"בדמייך חיי"בדמייך חייNov 5, 2023
"בחוף של טראפטוני"זמן אהבהJan 1, 2003
"בראשית עולם"אחד לנשמה / אחד למסיבהJan 1, 2012
"יש לך"אחד לנשמה / אחד למסיבהJan 1, 2012
"לכה דודי"לכה דודיJul 9, 2020
"מורידים את הירח"מורידים את הירחMar 15, 2020
"שתדעי"שתדעיJan 1, 2010
"תנו לגדול בשקט"זמן אהבהJan 1, 2003

Similar Artists to Shlomi Shabat

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Moshe PeretzPop269,621
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Dudu AharonPop162,934
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Listen to some of the biggest hits from Shlomi Shabat

Meet Shlomi Shabat

Shlomi Shabat is an Israeli singer whose music falls into the Mizrahi style. He briefly was a judge on The Voice Israel on television and has been nominated for Israel's Best Male Artist.