photograph of grieves performing live on stage at a hip-hop concert

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Buy Tickets to the Next Grieves Concert

Tickets to Grieves shows are available now right here at Event Tickets Center! Many of his shows have sold out elsewhere, but not here. Event Tickets Center has a limited number of tickets available for his next several shows. Prices start at $39, but can range all the way up to $161. So, you need to act fast before ticket prices rise. If you are on the fence about going to see Grieves live, we have conveniently laid out some of the most important information about him. Listen to some of his most popular music via the playlist below and read up on some of his background and biggest achievements. Find the event you want to attend in the event list below, so you can purchase your tickets to go see Grieves live!

Who is Grieves?

Grieves is a solo artist from Seattle that has reached developing status across the hip-hop/rap and underground hip hop categories. Grieves has released 15 live and studio albums and 26 singles on Spotify that string all the way back to Dec 28, 2007 with his debut album titled Irreversible. His most recent album release was WHY NOT 2? on Feb 14, 2024.

Grieves' Popularity

Grieves' steady status has led to an overall artist ranking of 27,714 on Spotify in the United States. He has become well known for his exciting shows and entertaining performances which has built a robust following. This is largely fueled by nearly 300,000 listeners and over 100,000 followers on Spotify, but he also reaches an additional more than 1,000,000 listeners on Spotify through playlists. Additionally, Grieves has a robust following on social media with more than 50,000 followers on Instagram. He averages over 500,000 videos on YouTube and his top video on TikTok has more than 3,000,000 views on the social media platform. There are also almost 3,000 posts on Tik Tok with Grieves' tracks featured on them. Grieves is most listened to in Denver in the United States.When you attend your next Grieves show, it will be easy to see why he has built such a large following.

Grieves as an Artist

You likely recognize Grieves by his top tracks which include "Jax Teller (feat. Grieves)", "Gone Fishin", and "Man Down (feat. Chris Webby)". You might also listen to Grieves due to his earliest albums such as Irreversible, 88 Keys & Counting, and The Confessions Of Mr. Modest, but you may have heard of him from similar artists such as Chris Webby, Prof, and ¡MAYDAY!.

Grieves Discography

AlbumRelease DateAlbum Type
IrreversibleDec 28, 2007Album
88 Keys & CountingMar 1, 2010Album
The Confessions Of Mr. ModestMar 2, 2010Album
Pack It UpFeb 14, 2011Single
Together/Apart (Instrumental Version)Jun 21, 2011Album
Together/ApartJun 21, 2011Album
Super Scary Monsters (feat. Prof)Oct 29, 2012Single
Winter & The WolvesMar 24, 2014Album
Winter & The Wolves (Instrumental Version)Mar 25, 2014Album
Winter & The Wolves (Deluxe Version)Mar 25, 2014Album
Ain't Nothin' (feat. Fearce Vill & SonReal)Sep 26, 2014Single
Cougar CatnipFeb 13, 2015Single
Crown (Ft: Grieves)May 9, 2017Single
Running Wild (Instrumental Version)Aug 25, 2017Album
Running WildAug 25, 2017Album
Back At EmJan 10, 2018Single
Greater ThanMay 25, 2018Album
Let It ThroughSep 21, 2018Single
The Collections of Mr. Nice Guy (Instrumental Version)Jul 10, 2019Album
The Collections of Mr. Nice GuyJul 12, 2019Album
Talk TalkNov 15, 2019Single
SaturationNov 11, 2020Single
Shadows (Dub)Dec 11, 2020Single
Pigs Don't FlyJan 29, 2021Single
CanopyJun 4, 2021Album
PeaceNov 12, 2021Single
Castle LightsDec 10, 2021Single
TomorrowDec 31, 2021Single
Sunburn (with Grieves) [Remix]Oct 14, 2022Single
Make Up Ya MindFeb 17, 2023Single
WHY NOT?Feb 24, 2023Single
Last HighSep 1, 2023Single
Do You RightOct 13, 2023Single
AbdicatingNov 2, 2023Single
Van GoJan 31, 2024Single
WHY NOT 2?Feb 14, 2024Album
Gone FishinAug 16, 2024Single
F You Pay Me (with Grieves)Sep 13, 2024Single
Jax Teller (feat. Grieves)Dec 11, 2024Single
Bad IntentionsDec 27, 2024Single
I.K.T.Y.K.Feb 7, 2025Single

Grieves Top Tracks

TrackAlbumRelease Date
"Bad Intentions"Bad IntentionsDec 27, 2024
"Fuck It"WHY NOT 2?Feb 14, 2024
"Gone Fishin"Gone FishinAug 16, 2024
"I'm Done"WHY NOT?Feb 24, 2023
"I.K.T.Y.K"I.K.T.Y.K.Feb 7, 2025
"Jax Teller (feat. Grieves)"Last WednesdayDec 25, 2024
"Let The Devil In"The Collections of Mr. Nice GuyJul 12, 2019
"Man Down (feat. Chris Webby)"The Collections of Mr. Nice GuyJul 12, 2019
"Swoosh"WHY NOT?Feb 24, 2023
"What It Dew"Running WildAug 25, 2017

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