Natalie Jane Tickets

Natalie Jane Tickets

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Natalie Jane Tickets and Information

Currently, we do not have any tickets available for Natalie Jane. However, we expect her to announce a tour soon, and Event Tickets Center will be your place to buy tickets. In the meantime, listen to some of her most popular music via the playlist below and read up on some of her background and biggest achievements. You can also browse similar artists such as Lauren Spencer Smith, Alexander Stewart, Jessie Murph, Matt Hansen, and EMELINE and check back soon to buy Natalie Jane tickets!

Who is Natalie Jane?

Natalie Jane is a solo artist from Wimberley that has reached mainstream status across the folk pop, pop, and singer-songwriter pop categories. Natalie Jane has released 1 live and studio album and 24 singles on Spotify that string all the way back to Nov 17, 2023 with her debut album titled Where Am I?.

Natalie Jane's Popularity

Natalie Jane's steady growth has led to an overall artist ranking of 5,473 on Spotify in the United States. She has become well known for her exciting shows and entertaining performances which has built a robust following. This is largely fueled by over 2,000,000 listeners and more than 1,000,000 followers on Spotify, but she also reaches an additional tens of millions of listeners on Spotify through playlists. Additionally, Natalie Jane has a robust following on social media with over 2,000,000 followers on Instagram. Her top video on TikTok has billions of views.There are also more than 400,000 posts on Tik Tok with Natalie Jane's tracks featured on them. When you attend your next Natalie Jane show, it will be easy to see why she has built such a large following.

Natalie Jane as an Artist

You likely recognize Natalie Jane by her top tracks which include "Somebody to Someone (I Just Wanna Fall in Love)", "Intrusive Thoughts", and "Seven". You might also listen to Natalie Jane due to her earliest album such as Where Am I?, but you may have heard of her from similar artists such as Tate McRae, Lauren Spencer Smith, and Alexander Stewart.

Natalie Jane Discography

AlbumRelease DateAlbum Type
Plastic HeartsMay 5, 2021Single
Love Is The DevilAug 20, 2021Single
Red FlagOct 22, 2021Single
Kind of LoveJan 14, 2022Single
Kind of Love (Acoustic Version)Feb 14, 2022Single
BloodlineMar 25, 2022Single
Mentally CheatingJul 15, 2022Single
SevenSep 9, 2022Single
AVANov 18, 2022Single
AVA (Sped Up)Dec 2, 2022Single
CrazyDec 16, 2022Single
seeing you with other girlsMar 17, 2023Single
I'm HerApr 28, 2023Single
I'm Good (feat. charlieonnafriday)Jul 7, 2023Single
Do or DieAug 25, 2023Single
Do or Die (Acoustic)Sep 29, 2023Single
Intrusive ThoughtsOct 27, 2023Single
Where Am I?Nov 17, 2023Album
TattoosFeb 9, 2024Single
can i see you tonight?Mar 29, 2024Single
AVA (Alexander Merlin Remix)Apr 5, 2024Single
Somebody to Someone (I Just Wanna Fall in Love)Jun 21, 2024Single
Sick To My StomachAug 16, 2024Single
Sick To My StomachSep 27, 2024Single
Christmas Ain’t Got Nothing On YouNov 15, 2024Single

Natalie Jane Top Tracks

TrackAlbumRelease Date
"AVA"Where Am I?Nov 17, 2023
"Crazy"CrazyDec 16, 2022
"Do or Die"Where Am I?Nov 17, 2023
"I'm Her"Where Am I?Nov 17, 2023
"Intrusive Thoughts"Where Am I?Nov 17, 2023
"Mentally Cheating"Where Am I?Nov 17, 2023
"Seven"Where Am I?Nov 17, 2023
"Sick To My Stomach"Sick To My StomachAug 16, 2024
"Somebody to Someone (I Just Wanna Fall in Love)"Somebody to Someone (I Just Wanna Fall in Love)Jun 21, 2024
"Tattoos"TattoosFeb 9, 2024

Similar Artists to Natalie Jane

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Tate McRaepop6,640,393
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Livingstonfolk pop838,866
Ryan Mackfolk pop402,537
Alexander Stewartfolk pop1,091,621
Camyliofolk pop473,440
kenziefolk pop663,776
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