photograph of live edm style concert with a dj playing a set to a large crowd of excited people

ATLiens Tickets

Ashburn, VA
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Buy Tickets to the Next ATLiens Concert

Tickets to ATLiens shows are available now right here at Event Tickets Center! Many of their shows have sold out elsewhere, but not here. Event Tickets Center has a limited number of tickets available for their next several shows. Prices start at $48, but can range all the way up to $506. So, you need to act fast before ticket prices rise. If you are on the fence about going to see ATLiens live, we have conveniently laid out some of the most important information about them. Listen to some of their most popular music via the playlist below and read up on some of their background and biggest achievements. Find the event you want to attend in the event list below, so you can purchase your tickets to go see ATLiens live!

Who is ATLiens?

ATLiens is an artist from Atlanta that has reached mid-level status across the dubstep, riddim dubstep, and riddim categories. ATLiens has released 6 live and studio albums and 33 singles on Spotify that string all the way back to Aug 2, 2017 with their debut album titled Alchemy Remixes. Their most recent album release was LEAVING THE WORLD BEHIND on Oct 11, 2024.

ATLiens' Popularity

ATLiens' steady growth has led to an overall artist ranking of 23,564 on Spotify in the United States. They have become well known for their exciting shows and entertaining performances which has built a robust following. This is largely fueled by almost 400,000 listeners and over 100,000 followers on Spotify, but they also reach an additional over 6,000,000 listeners on Spotify through playlists. Additionally, ATLiens has a robust following on social media with nearly 300,000 followers on Instagram. Their top video on TikTok has over 9,000,000 views.There are also about 5,000 posts on Tik Tok with ATLiens' tracks featured on them. ATLiens is most listened to in Denver in the United States.When you attend your next ATLiens show, it will be easy to see why they have built such a large following.

ATLiens as an Artist

You likely recognize ATLiens by their top tracks which include "Black Sheep", "Fading Out", and "comingforyou". You might also listen to ATLiens due to their earliest albums such as Alchemy Remixes, Invasion Remixes, and Ghost Planet, but you may have heard of them from similar artists such as Subtronics, Ganja White Night, and Ghastly.

ATLiens Discography

AlbumRelease DateAlbum Type
ChiefFeb 17, 2015Single
RitualMay 6, 2015Single
Hit EmSep 8, 2015Single
Thank GodJun 20, 2016Single
InterlockMar 17, 2017Single
AlchemyMay 3, 2017Single
Alchemy RemixesAug 2, 2017Album
Ninth DimensionOct 13, 2017Single
MalfunctionJan 22, 2018Single
InterstellarFeb 16, 2018Single
InvasionFeb 23, 2018Single
Invasion RemixesApr 19, 2018Album
ExileJul 10, 2018Single
IMMAOct 24, 2018Single
ContactApr 17, 2019Single
CloserJun 19, 2019Single
ShelterJul 10, 2019Single
Ghost PlanetJul 24, 2019Album
Ghost Planet (The Remixes)Dec 4, 2019Single
MeltdownJan 15, 2020Single
FrequenciesFeb 12, 2020Single
BrainwashedFeb 26, 2020Single
Montauk ProjectApr 8, 2020Single
Customer ServiceNov 12, 2021Single
Front ManJan 21, 2022Single
Unidentified Flying ObjectsMar 4, 2022Single
Unidentified Flying Objects (The Remixes)Jun 3, 2022Album
BURN IT DOWNJun 23, 2022Single
Obsidian VortexSep 16, 2022Single
PurgatoryOct 18, 2022Single
Space CathedralNov 4, 2022Single
Purgatory (Dion Timmer Remix)Mar 22, 2023Single
Space Cathedral (The Remixes)Mar 24, 2023Album
ROBOTSJul 12, 2023Single
Dinosaurs From Outer SpaceJan 31, 2024Single
IMYJul 12, 2024Single
Be Your GhostAug 14, 2024Single
Black SheepSep 18, 2024Single

ATLiens Top Tracks

TrackAlbumRelease Date
"Alchemy"AlchemyMay 3, 2017
"Black Sheep"Black SheepSep 18, 2024
"Fading Out"Ghost PlanetJul 24, 2019
"Obsidian Vortex"Obsidian VortexSep 16, 2022
"Purgatory"PurgatoryOct 18, 2022
"Shelter - OG Nixin Remix"Ghost Planet (The Remixes)Dec 4, 2019
"Tantra"Ghost PlanetJul 24, 2019
"comingforyou"Space CathedralNov 4, 2022

Similar Artists to ATLiens

ArtistGenreSpotify Followers
Ganja White Nightdubstep231,767
Boogie Tdubstep96,369
Kompanyriddim dubstep84,235
Riot Tendubstep115,016