Indecent Tickets

Indecent Tickets

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Meet Indecent Show

Indecent tells the story of Sholem Asch’s controversial play, The God of Vengeance, and the passionate actors and artists who risked everything to bring it to life on stage. Written by Pulitzer-winning playwright Paula Vogel, Indecent tells the story of the play in Poland, 1907. The story – the daughter of a brothel owner who falls in love with one of her father’s prostitutes – was dividing in its first readings, with many of Asch’s fellows encouraging him to destroy it. Despite the odds, it achieved success on stages across Europe and in the Yiddish theater scene in downtown NYC – until an English-translation was attempted on Broadway. The play, featuring the first kiss between women on Broadway, proved to be too scandalous for public audiences, and the entire cast was arrested and charged with obscenity. Vogel’s Indecent brings Sholem Asch’s work back to life, celebrating the love, magic, and hope of theater even in the face of great adversity.