Christophe Mae Tickets

Christophe Mae Tickets

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Christophe Mae Tickets and Information

Currently, we do not have any tickets available for Christophe Mae. However, we expect him to announce a tour soon, and Event Tickets Center will be your place to buy tickets. In the meantime, listen to some of his most popular music via the playlist below and read up on some of his background and biggest achievements. You can also browse similar artists such as M. Pokora, Florent Pagny, Claudio Capéo, and Patrick Bruel and check back soon to buy Christophe Mae tickets!

Who is Christophe Maé?

Christophe Maé is a solo artist from Carpentras that has reached mainstream status across the chansons, french, and chanson categories. Christophe Maé has released 48 live and studio albums and 48 singles on Spotify that string all the way back to Mar 19, 2007 with his debut album titled Mon paradis. His most recent album release was C'est drôle la vie (Édition Collector) on Dec 1, 2023.

Christophe Maé's Popularity

Christophe Maé's steady growth has led to an overall artist ranking of 7,737 on Spotify in the United States. He has become well known for his exciting shows and entertaining performances which has built a robust following. This is largely fueled by more than 1,000,000 listeners and over 500,000 followers on Spotify, but he also reaches an additional over 4,000,000 listeners on Spotify through playlists. Additionally, Christophe Maé has a robust following on social media with over 300,000 followers on Instagram. He averages over 4,000,000 videos on YouTube and his top video on TikTok has hundreds of millions of views on the social media platform. There are also almost 400,000 posts on Tik Tok with Christophe Maé's tracks featured on them. When you attend your next Christophe Maé show, it will be easy to see why he has built such a large following.

Christophe Maé as an Artist

You likely recognize Christophe Maé by his top tracks which include "On s'attache", "Belle demoiselle", and "Il est où le bonheur". You might also listen to Christophe Maé due to his earliest albums such as Mon paradis, Comme à la maison, and On Trace La Route, but you may have heard of him from similar artists such as Vianney, Amir, and Florent Pagny.

Christophe Maé's Music Library

Christophe Maé has released a total of 48 albums on Spotify and is the main or feature artist on 194 tracks. His full discography can be found in the charts below, as well as his top 10 songs. However, when you attend a Christophe Maé show, you're sure to hear more than a few of his big hits from his top albums which include Mon paradis, Comme à la maison, and On Trace La Route. His most recent album, C'est drôle la vie (Édition Collector) was released on Dec 1, 2023. To supplement his albums, Christophe Maé has released 48 singles on Spotify. His top singles, which will more than likely be included in his setlists, are Et Vice Versailles - Remix, On S'Attache, and On S'Attache, with his most recent single, Et un jour une femme, being released on Jul 11, 2023.

Christophe Maé Discography

AlbumRelease DateAlbum Type
Et Vice Versailles - RemixDec 4, 2006Single
On S'AttacheFeb 5, 2007Single
Mon paradisMar 19, 2007Album
On S'AttacheMay 14, 2007Single
Parce qu'on ne sait jamaisJun 18, 2007Single
Ca fait malOct 1, 2007Single
Belle DemoiselleFeb 11, 2008Single
Comme à la maisonSep 29, 2008Album
Dingue, Dingue, DingueDec 4, 2009Single
J'ai laisséFeb 15, 2010Single
On Trace La RouteMar 22, 2010Album
Je me lâcheMay 31, 2010Single
Pourquoi C'Est BeauSep 24, 2010Single
La RumeurJan 24, 2011Single
Un Peu De BluesAug 12, 2011Single
On Trace La Route - Le LiveSep 23, 2011Album
EPSep 26, 2011Single
Tombé Sous Le CharmeMar 23, 2013Single
L'intégraleJun 10, 2013Album
Je Veux du BonheurJun 10, 2013Album
Il est où le bonheurFeb 19, 2016Single
L'attrape-rêvesMay 13, 2016Album
L'attrape-rêves (Bonus Tracks)Nov 11, 2016Single
Besoin de personneMay 31, 2018Single
Les gensSep 4, 2019Single
La fin de l'étéOct 15, 2019Single
La vie d'artisteOct 25, 2019Album
L'oursSep 18, 2020Single
L'ours (Version acoustique)Oct 9, 2020Single
Mon paradis (Unplugged)Oct 23, 2020Single
Ma vie d'artiste UnpluggedOct 30, 2020Album
Y'a du soleilJun 18, 2021Single
Live au Cirque d'Hiver (2019)Mar 18, 2022Album
Pays des merveillesNov 24, 2022Single
Trop jeuneJan 27, 2023Single
C'est drôle la vieMar 17, 2023Album
Et un jour une femmeJul 11, 2023Single
C'est drôle la vie (Édition Collector)Dec 1, 2023Album

Christophe Maé Top Tracks

TrackAlbumRelease Date
"Belle demoiselle"Mon paradisMar 19, 2007
"Casting"La vie d'artisteOct 25, 2019
"Dingue, dingue, dingue"On Trace La RouteMar 22, 2010
"Et un jour une femme"2bisAug 31, 2023
"Il est où le bonheur"L'attrape-rêvesMay 13, 2016
"J'ai laissé"On Trace La RouteMar 22, 2010
"L'amour"C'est drôle la vieMar 17, 2023
"On s'attache"Mon paradisMar 19, 2007
"Pays des merveilles"C'est drôle la vieMar 17, 2023
"Tombé sous le charme"Je veux du bonheurJun 10, 2013

Similar Artists to Christophe Maé

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Listen to some of the biggest hits from Christophe Mae